Committee Meeting 3
July 27, 2021

Planning a climate-ready future for 2 multi-use piers, nearly 7 acres of park, and more than 1,000 feet of shoreline in the heart of Rockland.
Ad Hoc Downtown Waterfront Committee
Meetings are open to the public. To attend via Zoom, click on the meeting link at the designated date and time.
Meeting information can be found below.
Next meeting date:
The next meeting will take place on Wed., December 11, from 4-5:30 p.m.
Preliminary Design Meetings
June 1, 2023
Meeting agenda: Review stakeholder input from the major festival organizers regarding their layout and utility needs, and feedback from direct abutters.
June 15, 2023
Meeting agenda: Update on stakeholder input (Festivals, abutters), design progress, and review of the Harbor Master Building layout and uses.
Participate in the Planning
The Ad Hoc Downtown Waterfront Committee is the steering committee for this project. Its members welcome all interested people to the table to participate and collaborate on the design.
The Committee, with the help from a consulting team and City staff, has used a consensus-building approach to the project. With consensus building, instead of everyone coming to the table to advocate for their own interests - the process focuses on interests in common and builds from there.

The Preliminary Engineering phase of the project has begun, and is adding detail to the Conceptual Design already developed.
With help from the State Community Action Grant, the project team is focused first on Preliminary Engineering for the marine infrastructure (e.g. the piers, seawall, and the boardwalk that connects them). Work on the landside engineering will begin once funding is secured.
The early part of preliminary Engineering involves survey work and technical assessment. Once pre-design work is complete, the Ad Hoc Downtown Waterfront Committee will be reactivated to advise on the design details.
Meetings will be posted here and on the City's website calendar.

Project Committee
The Downtown Waterfront Advisory Committee was created by order of City Council in July 2020 with the task of developing a plan that considers the Public Landing, the Middle Pier, and the adjacent parks together.
Committee members include representatives of the City’s Parks & Recreation Committee, Harbor Management Commission, and Harbor Trail Committee, as well as additional members appointed by City Council. Members are:
Paul Benjamin
Jeffrey Boggs
Kate Doiron
Sam Ladley
Matthew Ondra
Ginny Savage
Joan Wright
Supporting City of Rockland staff:
Community Development Director
Harbor Master
All Committee meetings are open to the public, and stakeholders are invited to participate.